Conscious Cannabis Participation Agreement


Transformational Cannabis Experience / Conscious Cannabis Circle Participation Agreement 2023 v1

Cannabis is legal to possess and use in certain contexts in California but the laws are complex and rapidly evolving. This agreement ensures that you, the facilitators, and OPTIMIZE LIFE, LLC are properly and legally protected.

This agreement only needs to be read and signed before your first experience and once per calendar year to participate in any Transformational Cannabis Experience & Conscious Cannabis Circle (TCE/CCC) we facilitate unless a new regulation affects how we provide our services.

Cannabis, Mental Health, and Cannabis Law

Conscious Cannabis Experiences are safe, but they are not for everyone.

While there is a growing body of medical and anecdotal evidence that supports the skillful and intentional use of cannabis for personal growth, those under medical supervision or people with a history of mental health disorders should consult their medical doctor before participating in a TCE/CCC. Unstable interpersonal relationships and people with a history of psychiatric treatment are additional factors which make it difficult for people to receive benefit from a TCE/CCC.

Our capacity as a small consciousness community makes it impossible for us to properly care for people with significant psychiatric or physical health concerns in the context of a group TCE/CCC.

Although TCE/CCC can be beneficial and very safe for almost all participants, these events are not a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment, and we do not recommend it for people with serious psychiatric disorders or physical conditions that may impair their ability to participate safely.

Contraindications (reasons not to attend) include, but are not limited to, pregnancy and physical health problems, clinically significant acute anxiety or other mood disorders, psychosis, bipolar disorders, personality disorders, acute/unprocessed trauma and PTSD, acute addictions, suicidal ideation/self-harm and tendencies for disruptive behavior.

A TCE/CCC is not appropriate for persons with cardiovascular problems, severe hypertension, severe mental illness, recent surgery or fractures, acute infectious illness, or epilepsy.

Further, and because we are not licensed Doctors of Medicine or Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, under California law we cannot and do not prescribe or recommend medical marijuana as a therapeutic option for people in this context. Your presence at a TCE/CCC event and decision to use cannabis during the event is strictly voluntary and does not constitute a medical recommendation by OPTIMIZE LIFE, LLC or its facilitators for the use of marijuana as a therapeutic option.

Finally, and while California has passed laws allowing for the creation of marijuana hospitality and sales establishments, OPTIMIZE LIFE, LLC is not licensed to provide marijuana or cannabis to participants and all cannabis consumed during an event must be brought by the participant.