Past Life Regression Therapy

Why does a particular person or place feels so familiar? Have you ever had the experience of ‘deja vu’? Are you curious about a modality that may heal an inexplicable fear or phobia?

Answers to such questions may be found through the process of a past life regression hypnosis session. While several cultures and religions have confidence in past lives, it is not necessary that you have a metaphysical belief in reincarnation or anything unseen. The subconscious may experience multiple perceived incarnations as a way to learn lessons helpful for one’s evolution. This fascinating modality brings up from the unconscious the experience of a past life to lead us to a healing, or possible solution, that improves our present day life. Hypnotic past life regression therapy acts as a key which can unlock the mysterious domain of the subconscious mind. The healing occurs when, through one or more processes, a harmonious relationship happens between the conscious and subconscious mind. This is brought about through a deep empathetic sensing, a forgiveness of self or others, or possible solutions to questions that can clear the way for greater wellbeing. 

Past Life Regression Therapy sessions are most always done in the second or third session in a series. They are usually a little bit longer in duration and can frequently run as long as two hours in length.


Future Lives

Recognizing that there are a multitude of possible outcomes and timelines, journey with me to see what the subconscious will bring forth for the purpose of healing and perhaps even manifestation.

Lives Between Lives

Other realms of the imagination, whether real or fantasy, are locales and experiences where perhaps lessons and life reviews anchor forgiveness and healing.

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Intergalactic Lives

And why not? Your past life regression session can include travel to other dimensions and contact with inner intelligences that tell a story of what the subconscious is wanting to reveal for the purposes of bringing a deeper healing and awareness in your current life. Anything is possible… the limits are only in your imagination.